Revalidation Type Rating

TR Revalidation for pilots with a valid type rating, CATC offers Type Rating Revalidation Training. The related examination meets the requirements of EASA regulations.

Detailed course description


Valid type rating of your aircraft type


1 day

Course content

  • Ground & Refresher Training
  • Full Flight Simulator Training
  • Crew Resource Management Training
  • CATC training program, as prescribed below, is fully in line with the requirements of EU-OPS and fulfills all IOSA standards
  • To revalidate that rating, a pilot has to perform:
    • A minimum of ten route sectors flown on the type (these ten route sectors can be substituted by one route flight on the FFS under the supervision of an examiner) and one license proficiency check
    • The minimum training and checking events on a FFS per year are as follows: One Refresher Training and two Operator Proficiency Checks (OPC)

Open dates