General Security Training A1

All persons who are required to complete this training by Regulation (EC) No. 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and its implementing regulations, and who do not need the issuance of an IDC authorizing them to enter unaccompanied security areas for their activities.

Professional training A1 to raise awareness in the area of ​​security for persons who do not need an airport identification card (IDC) for the performance of work activities.


Security background checks issued by CAA CZ



2 classroom hours + examination

Course content

a) knowledge of previous illegal acts in the field of civil aviation, terrorist attacks and current threats;
b) awareness of relevant legal requirements;
c) knowledge of the objectives and organization of aviation security, including the duties and responsibilities of persons conducting security checks;
d) knowledge of reporting procedures;
e) the ability to respond appropriately to security-related events;
f) knowledge of local conditions and duties according to the specific classification of the worker.


The course instructor will conduct the examination immediately after the end of the theoretical part, in the form of a written test.

Part of the course: so-called local refresher training for Prague Airport.

It is necessary to bring an identity document and a valid reliability check issued by ÚCL.

Successful graduates will be issued with a certificate of completion of the course, which is valid for 24 months according to the requirements of the legislation.

Open dates