CRM Courses

CATC offers CRM (Crew Resource Management) courses not only for pilot professionals but also for non-aviation professionals. The courses are designed to enhance knowledge in the following target topics: communication skills, situational awareness, teamwork, decision-making, delegating, and workload management.

CRM for pilots

The training is designed exclusively for airlines, in four parts it fully covers the contents of initial and recurrent training.

CRM for cabin crew

A course designed for airlines to train cabin crew. The content is focused on the crew members‘ communication and management skills.

CRM instructor course

The course is designed for airlines to train pilots or cabin crew who do not have a CRM instructor qualification and are about to become CRM instructors.

CRM recurrent course

The training is provided for airlines for the CRM pilot instructors or CRM cabin crew instructors to maintain their qualifications.

CRM course for non-aviation customers

We can pass on our experience from the aviation industry in the fields of safety, licensing, teamwork, division of responsibilities, and communication to other transport segments such as.

CRM course for industries other than aviation

We can share our experience from the aviation industry in the areas of safety, licensing, teamwork, division of responsibilities, and communication with other transport segments such as automotive and rail, but also with sectors outside the transport industry such as larger corporate companies, companies with high safety levels or subject to licensing requirements (energy, healthcare) and tailor a CRM course to their needs.

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