B737 Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer

The B737 CEET (Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer) is an advanced training device which considerably improves the quality and effectivity of crew training on the B737.

The following components are installed

  • Handling of the cabin door
  • Passenger announcements through the public address system.
  • Communication with the cockpit and other cabin attendant positions.
  • Use of emergency and life saving equipment, first aid.
  • Fire-fighting at various places in the cabin.
  • Non-standard situation activities (i.e., hijacking of the aircraft, etc.).
  • Preparation of passengers for an emergency landing, emergency evacuation of the aircraft.

Joint cabin and flight Crew Resource Management.

All the controls in the cabin used by the cabin attendants are fully functional, or their functions are fully simulated for these purposes.

The CEET B737 is also equipped with a cockpit replica where the only functioning controls and signalling devices are those used for the cabin control or for communication with the cabin crew.

Basic technical data

In the mock-up cabin there are seats for:

  • 30 passengers
  • 5 cabin attendants
  • 2 pilots
  • 1 instructor